Session Requests

Base Request class is used to access various session data. All data that are controlled using Request class are stored in the request key of session array. To use the Request class, call it on top of your class like below-

use Base\Request;

Once called, you can access various methods of the class to control session data. Below how the session data can be accessed and modified using Request class is explained-

Reading and Writing Session data

You can input new data into session using the Request::setData() method like below-

Request::setData(‘color-green’, ‘green);

Here, color is the name (key) of session and green is the value. To read the input value you can use Request::getData() method like below-

echo Request::getData(‘color-green’);

Additionally you can use Request::put() method to store associative arrays in session like below-

Request::put(‘winners’, [‘first’ => ‘John’, ‘second’=> ‘doe’]);

You can get the array using Request::show() method. The data will be returned as a PHP stdClass Object-

        $winners = Request::show(winners);
        echo winners->first;

Destroying Session Data

To destroy a session data, use Request::destroy() method like below-


Flashing Session Data

Sometimes you might need to flash session data to display alerts, warnings etc. Flashing session data means destroying session data automatically right after it has been used. To set session flash data, use Request::setFlash() like below-

Request::setFlash([‘success’ => ‘Item added!’]);

To flash the session data, use Request::getFlash() like below-


Handling Cookies

Base Request class provides you with some built in methods to conveniently handle cookies.

To add a new cookie, use Request::setCookie() like below-

Request::setCookie('hello', 'Hello World', 300);

Here, ‘hello’ is the name of the cookie, ‘Hello World’ is the value and 300 is how long the cookie will last in seconds.

To get the cookie value, use Request::getCookie() like below-

echo Request::getCookie('hello');

To delete a cookie, use Request::deleteCookie() like below


Get HTTP Headers

You can access all the HTTP headers using Request::headers() method


Above method will show all the information related to HTTP headers.