
CodeCube provides some built in mechanisms for easier database interaction.

Configuring Database

As discussed in Configuration chapter, you can configure the database connection by changing the DB_ constants in env.php file like below-

const DB_CONNECTION = 'mysql';
const DB_HOST = '';
const DB_PORT = '3306';
const DB_DATABASE = 'codecube';
const DB_USERNAME = 'root';
const DB_PASSWORD = '1234'

Query Builders

You can use CodeCube’s built in functionalities to perform CRUD (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) functions on database. To access those functionalities, you must use the base DB class at the top of your PHP file.

use Base\DB;

Retrieving Results

To read a table from database, use the table() method of the DB class to begin query, and read() method to get the result.

$db = new DB;
$items = $db->table('items')->read();


To get the sum of the last set of values returned by read() method, use the getTotal() method-

$total_items = $db->getTotal();

Add Conditions

To apply the SQL where clause on records, combine the where() method with other clauses-

$items = $db->table('items')->where('user_id', '=',  1)->read();

You can use the or() method, and() method or not() method along with where() method like below-

$items = $db->table('items')->where('user_id', '=',  1)->and(‘price’, ‘<’, ‘250’)->or(‘price’, ‘>’, ‘50’)->where()->not('name', '=', 'buy')->and()->not('name', '=', 'buying')->read();

To add extra conditions use the condition() method-

$db->table('items')->where('user_id', '=', 1)->condition('AND price > 50')->read();


Use the orderBy() method at the end of your conditions to order your results-

$items = $db->table('items')->where('user_id', '=', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->read();


To get paginated data from the database, use the limit() method before read() method-

$items = $db->table('items')->limit(2)->read();

Afterwards, you can get a pagination of your query using the pagination() method-

$pagination = $db->pagination();

Additionally, you can use the paginationData() method to get necessary pagination data as array-

$data = $db->paginationData()

Afterwards, pass the array values as parameters to generatePages() method to generate the pagination-

$pagination = $db->generatePages($data['page'], $data['totalPages'], $data['url'])

Inserting Data

To insert data in the database, use the create() method in combination with table() method, and data() method to pass input data array, where keys are the name of the table columns and their values are the input values-

$db->table('items')->data(['name' => ‘Human’, 'price' => ‘500’])->create();

Updating Data

To update data of a row in the database, use the update() method in combination with table() method, and set() method to pass update data array, where keys are the name of the table columns and their values are the updated values-

$db->table('items')->set(['name' => ‘update name’])->where('id', '=', 1)->update();

Deleting Data

Before deleting, CodeCube checks whether deleted_at column exists in a table. If it does, instead of deleting the column completely, the framework updates the column value to current date-time, and ignores the rows with NOT NULL values for deleted_at column in read() method. If the column doesn’t exist, the framework deletes the row completely. To delete a row from a table, use the delete() method.

$db->table('items')->where('id', '=', 1)->delete();

Raw SQL Query

You can use the get() method to directly input a SQL read command-

$db->get('SELECT name, username FROM users');

You can use the write() method to write raw SQL command to insert, update or delete data into the table.

$db->write(‘INSERT INTO items (‘name’, ‘price’) VALUES (‘New Item’, ‘100’)’);

Using SQL Views

The framework puts extra emphasis on database views for more effective retrieval of database tables. ​You can use the SQL views in combination with CodeCube built-in query builder functions to perform more complex queries.

As an example, you can join users and items table and save the query as a SQL view-

CREATE VIEW `items_view` AS SELECT AS id, as name, i.price as price, i.user_id as user_id, u.username AS username, i.created_at AS created_at, i.updated_at AS updated_at, i.deleted_at AS deleted_at FROM items i, users u WHERE i.user_id =

And later, use query builder to read data from the view-

$items = $db->table('items_view')->where('user_id', '=', 1)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc')->limit(2)->read();

Return SQL Command

To find the last executed SQL command string, use the getLastSQL() method-



Migrations are like version control for your database, allowing your team to easily modify and share the application’s database schema. CodeCube provides a convenient way of migrating your database.

Before migration, you have to create/modify your migration files. To start working on migration files, go to database folder. There you will find 4 files for creating and removing tables and views-





There migration files return SQL commands as an associative array and each command with an identifying key. Write your SQL create and drop table/view commands there for all the tables and views you want to create and drop. Make sure to maintain proper order while writing your SQL commands so that the system won’t face conflicts related to foreign key checks while performing migration.

'create_users' => "CREATE TABLE `users` (`id` int(11) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `name` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `username` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `email` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `password` varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, `created_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, `updated_at` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`), UNIQUE KEY `users_username_unique` (`username`), UNIQUE KEY `users_email_unique` (`email`))"

To insert values to your tables, create new insert files, with an identifying number at the beginning of migration file name to maintain order.


Like the create/drop migration commands, place your insert commands inside a returning array from the migration files with identifying keys for each.

'insert_users' => 'INSERT INTO `users` VALUES (1,"Default User","codecube","","secret", NULL, NULL);',

To migrate your database, open terminal in your project root directory and execute the below command.

php index.php migrate reset

To note, add the second argument reset only if you want to reset your previously migrated table.